Title: An Open Heart
Author: Harry Kraus
Publisher: David C. Cook
Genre: Suspense Fiction
Series? no
Publisher's Description:
Their Messages—From Beyond the Grave—Might Destroy Him...
They hover between life and death, their hearts stopped on the surgery table. And the messages Dr. Jace Rawlings' open-heart surgery patients bring back from beyond the grave cannot be ignored. For they predict the deaths of people around him, and point a finger of suspicion straight at him.
It thrusts Jace into a firestorm of controversy and danger. A maeltsrom blown by the darker winds of political intrigue and spiritual warfare. And the forces working against him will do anything to stop him from uncovering a truth they will kill to hide. He'd come to Kenya to establish a heart-surgery program for the poor. But what he will find in that place where he grew up will put everything at risk–his marriage, his career . . . his life.
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