“I lost track of the number of times tears filled my eyes, both tears of heartache and joy. This novel has made the list of one of my all-time favorite books!
–Tricia Goyer, bestselling author of more than 30 books
Title: When the Morning Glory Blooms
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Series: no
Publisher's Description
Becky rocks a baby that rocked her world. Sixty years earlier, with her
fiancé Drew in the middle of the Korean Conflict, Ivy throws herself
into her work at a nursing home to keep her sanity and provide for the
child Drew doesn't know is coming. Ivy cares for Anna, an elderly
patient who taxes Ivy's listening ear until the day she suspects Anna's
tall tales are not the ramblings of dementia. They're fragments of
Anna's disjointed memories of a remarkable life. Finding a faint thread
of hope she can't resist tugging, Ivy records Anna's memoir, scribbling
furiously after hours to keep up with the woman's emotion-packed,
grace-hemmed stories. Is Ivy's answer buried in Anna's past? Becky, Ivy,
Anna--three women fight a tangled vine of deception in search of the
blossoming simplicity of truth.
To find out more about Cynthia Ruchti, check out her website.