Now that I am finally feeling (almost) like myself again, I'm ready to launch some of the new feaures that will be part of this blog! (Though I sure would like to stop coughing! My lungs are still like they're stuffed with cotton!)
The first, is "One Hundred to Watch." This is a list of 100+ authors I've selected to watch this coming year. I selected these authors because they are either favorites of mine or are very popular in the Christian fiction world. My hope is to watch for new releases from these authors and let you know about them as they happen. I also hope to do more features on these authors as well.
Because my favorites are in the suspense, contemporary, and romance genres (with a bit of historical fiction thrown in), I am focusing in on the authors in those areas, so my list is not an exhaustive list of Christian fiction authors by any means. Just a set of parameters to help me determine who to track.
I'm still fleshing out exactly how this will look, but I'm so excited to highlight these amazing writers and fill you in on their books. Below is my list (as of today). I'd love to hear if you have other names you want to add to this list. Be sure to comment with your suggestions!
Alcorn, Randy
Alexander, Tamara
Allan, Christa
Andrews, Mesu
Arana, Nikki
Armstrong, Cathleen
Austin, Lynn
Axtell, Ruth
Baart, Nicole
Bergren, Lisa
Bertrand, J. Mark
Billerbeck, Kristin
Blackstock, Terri
Blackston, Ray
Boyd, Austin
Bricker, Sandra
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brown, Don
Brownley, Margaret
Brunstetter, Wanda
Bunn, Davis
Byrd, Sandra
Cabot, Amanda
Calvert, Candace
Cantore, Janice
Cantrell, Julie
Carie, Jamie
Carlson, Melody
Caroll, Robin
Cash Tate, Kim
Chapman, Vanetta
Chiaverini, Jennifer
Clark, Mindy Starns
Clipston, Amy
Coble, Colleen
Coffey, Billy
Collins, Ace
Collins, Brandilyn
Connealy, Mary
Copeland, Lori
Cramer, Dale
Cushman, Kathryn
Dekker, Ted
Dellosso, Mike
DeMuth, Mary
Dickerson, Melanie
Dobson, Melanie
Eakes, Laurie Alice
Eason, Lynette
Eicher, Jerry
Ellis, Mary
Evans, Richard Paul
Evans, Sarah
Everson, Eva Marie
Ewen, Pamela Binnings
Fabry, Chris
Fisher, Suzanne Woods
Frantz, Laura
Gabhart, Ann H.
Ganshert, Katie
Gansky, Alton
Gilbert, Kelly Coates
Gilroy, M.K.
Gist, Deeanne
Gohlke, Cathy
Gould, Leslie
Goyer, Tricia
Gray, Shelley Shepard
Green, Jocelyn
Gunn, Robin Jones
Gutteridge, Rene
Hannon, Irene
Harris, Kathy
Harris, Lisa
Hart, Beth Webb
Hatcher, Robin Lee
Hauck, Rachel
Healy, Erin
Hedlund, Jody
Heitzmann, Kristen
Henderson, Dee
Herman, Kathy
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Higley, Tracy L.
Hildreth, Denise
Hinck, Sharon
Hinze, Vicki
Hoesel, Don
Holmes, Gina
Hunt, Angela
Hunt, Diann
Hunter, Denise
Hynd, Noel
Irvin, Kelly
Jackson, Neta
James, Steven
Jenkins, Jerry
Jennings, Regina
John, Sally
Johnson, Todd M.
Jones, Jenny B.
Kendig, Ronie
Kingsbury, Karen
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Klassen, Julie
Klavan, Andrew
Kraus, Harry M.D.
Kraus, Jim
LaHaye, Tim
Lang, Maureen
Lee, Tosca
Leigh, Tamara
Lessman, Julie
Lewis, Beverly
Liparulo, Robert
Long, Kelly
Ludwig, Elizabeth
Mabry, Richard
Macias, Kathy
Magnin, Joyce
Mangum, Erynn
Mapes, Creston
Martin, Charles
Martinusen-Coloma, Cindy
McCourntey, Lorena
McGee, Krista
McKay, Lisa
Mehl, Nancy
Meissner, Susan
Miller, Judith
Mills, DiAnn
Milne, Kevin
Mitchell, Siri L.
Morris, Gilbert
Moseley, Meg
Moser, Nancy
Musser, Elizabeth
Mynheir, Mark
Nelson, Darrel
Newport, Olivia
Parrish, Christa
Pattillo, Beth
Peretti, Frank
Perry, Trish
Peterson, Tracie
Pettrey, Dani
Phillips, Krista
Pierce, Bethany
Pittman, Allison
Quilts of Love
Raney, Deborah
Rivers, Francine
Rubart, James L.
Ruchti, Cynthia
Rue, Nancy
Samson, Lisa
Sawyer, Kim Vogel
Seitz, Nicole
Sharples, Diana L.
Singer, Randy
Sirls, William
Smith, Jill Eileen
Snelling, Lauraine
Souza, Sharon
Spinola, Jennifer Rogers
Stengl, Anne Elizabeth
Stewart, Carla
Stuart, Kimberly
Sundin, Sarah
Tang, Camy
Tatlock, Ann
Thoene, Brock and Bodie
Thompson, Janice
Thrasher, Travis
Tolsma, Liz
Vogt, Beth K
Wade, Becky
Wallace, Amy Nicole
Walsh, Dan
Walsh, Sheila
Warren, Susan May
Whalen, Marybeth
White, Linda J.
Whitener, Rusty
Whitlow, Robert
Wiehl, Lisa
Wilson, Eric
Windle, Jeanette
Wingate, Lisa
Wiseman, Beth
Wisler, Alice J.
Witemeyer, Karen
Woodsmall, Cindy
Yttrup, Ginny