Hi Friends! Here's a little life update from me, in case you're wondering what I've been up to besides reading the Christy Award Nominees.
First, thanks for praying about my husband's job situation! He has had an offer now and is expecting another...praise God! We haven't made any official decisions, but he will more than likely take one of them, but will finish out the year in his current position first. I cannot tell you the relief I feel to know that he will have a job waiting for him when his current one ends.
Second, I am a girl in training to do a half marathon! I am all signed up for the Madison Mini Marathon in August. I am doing a walk/run hybrid, with an emphasis on power walking. I've been training with 6 other friends and can't believe I am actually doing it! You remember Dory from Finding Nemo and how she says, "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..." Well, that's me now only I'm saying, "Just keep walkings..." Yesterday I mostly walked, but ran some of a 10-mile journey! Whew! I did it! I have never, ever been athletic (nor am I now), so setting a physical goal and working toward it has been such a big deal for me and I am so thrilled!
Third, I am still a busy, busy lady. I've still got my hands in the four major passions of my life and am juggling the to-do lists of each.
1. My kids, of course, keep my hopping with their schedules, dance lessons, play dates, and our summer activities. And next week my hubby and I celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary!
2. My web/graphic design work is still hopping. Got a new client, and am taking classes to advance my degree in this area. Just realized that I will need to finish a homework assignment each week to finish on time. Yikes!
3. The crafty me. Well, I get to do a MAJOR sewing project this fall, creating costumes for a group...that's all I can say right now...but it's exciting! My craft business is set up and ready to go again, but I need time to work on my product line before officially re-launching.
4. The Reader in Me. Well, that's slowing down a bit these days in order to stay on top of these other things. That seems to be how my life works. Ebbs and flows...
Thanks for checking in on my summer so far.... How's your summer?