Here's me venting. Please skip this post if you don't want to witness my shameful whining.
My health issues are making me nuts!
At the risk of boring you, here's the whole story:
I have struggled with anxiety issues (panic attacks, general anxiety) since college. I also started stomach problems then too. In my first job, the stomach issues got worse and the panic attacks grew, so I went on anxiety meds and Tums.
After Anya was born I had lots of troubles where I knew I didn't feel right, but couldn't figure out what it was. I'd have horrible adrenaline rushes for no reason, lots of cramps, and very irregular cycles. After 2 years, my doctor finally tested my hormone levels and determined that I was very low in progesterone. She started me on hormone cream for that. I then had my cortisol levels tested by the pharmacist who makes the progesterone and he said those levels indicated "adrenal fatigue" and he gave me a book to read on it. The book freaked me out with all the changes it said I should make, so I didn't do anything about it.
The stomach issues continued. I went to an IBS clinic in Seattle and had my blood tested with an ELISA test which showed some food allergies like coffee, sugar, seasame seeds, blueberries, and mushrooms. I tried to cut some of those things out, but didn't feel any better. The gluten indicators were normal.
I had a miscarriage this winter and that set off a whole new set of hormone problems and stomach problems that continue. So I followed my sister-in-law's advice and used the lab they use to be tested for issues like gluten, dairy, and eggs. The gluten test came back a 10, with anything over 10 being out of range. So they suggested I am "gluten intolerant" and recommended a gluten free diet.
So 3 weeks ago I went gluten free and have ended up feeling worse than ever. I have no energy, feel spacey, feel depressed, and have constant stomach problems. People are telling me it takes time to get through the withdrawal from the gluten, but I am not sure I can make it or if it's even worth it!
My doctor, who I trust completely, is a skeptic about gluten being my issue. She believes I have anxiety issues and that my digestive problems stem from that. She believes it's not what I eat, but how I feel when I eat that is the factor.
My family, many of whom are gluten free, are all firm believers in the gluten free eating way. They keep telling me to give it more time. But they are not living in my horrible-feeling-body right now.
The internet searches bring up even more confusion. Some say would lead me to believe that I am now reacting to dairy too b/c my stomach is damaged and sensitive. Some say it could be corn that is a problem. Some say it's sugar.
I dont' know who to trust or who to believe. I've prayed for relief, prayed for guidance, and wept. Is it gluten? Hormones? IBS? Adrenal Fatigue? I'm so confused!
I just want to feel better! I have a family that is depending on me. I am so weary of health problems! I face every meal with trepidation wondering how awful I will feel after.
Sorry for venting and for the boring details. I guess I just don't know what to do.
I appreciate your listening at least! What would you do if you were me?