1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow?
2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are?
Yes. We have fun keeping in touch on Facebook.
3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time?
I always joke that I was born 2 months early and have been early ever since. I hate being late. I feel like I'm being rude to others when I'm late. But at the same time, I hate wasting time too, so I always make sure I have a book or something so I can read if I get there early.
4. Are you more of a New York or California type?
5. Do you have a special ring tone?
I usually keep it simple.
6. What is your favorite type of chip?
Ranch Doritoes or BBQ
7. Best comedy you've ever seen is ....
some of Anita Renfroe's DVDs make me laugh so hard I cry.
8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?"
I have never tried to cut my hair. I've cut my girls' bangs and did ok, sometimes a little too short. My mom used to give me perms and that would turn out crazy sometimes! I hated it.
9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self?
My house!
10. Are you allergic to anything?
blueberries and bee stings
11. Why is it so hard to change?
It's scarey and unknown and uncomfortable.
12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable." Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic.
You have to trust those you love with your real self. Let the walls down and admit to faults. Ask for forgiveness when you mess up.