So, we went to Disney World as you know. We had a great time with my husband's perfect family (I'm not joking, they are really, really nice and kind and, well, perfect). We got back and I looked through the pictures. I feel like I'm part of that Seasame Street song "which one of these things is not like the other." Remember that song? Well, I'm the one thing that's not like the rest of the family. They are all tall, lean, beautiful! I am round all over.
It's time for the quarterly self-flogging about my weight. It sucks to be fat. I'm feeling ready to commit to another diet/weight-loss program, but I'm so confused about what to even try!
So today I prayed and pleaded with God for a sign. Do you think I'm wrong to ask Him for help in this? I'm so tired of being torn up about this. I'm willing to work really hard at some kind of diet/exercise program, but how do I pick one? There's low-carb, which made me have muscle jerks and didn't help me lose more than 7 pounds after 3 weeks of effort. There's Jenny Craig, which worked once in my life, but drove me to using laxatives to get the weight down each week before the weigh in. There's the "weigh down" eat only when hungry craze, but I can't seem to really follow it. There's pressure from my family to try "gluten free" since that has helped some of my family members with their overall health, but wow! to give up all that stuff seems scarey! There's countless other programs! What should I do? I already walk 6 days a week, but I want to add weight lifting, but what program to follow with that too?
God seems silent to me on this. Does anyone else have any help for me? I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't want to hate myself anymore.
Sorry for bringing this up again, but I am still struggling, like this is my "thorn in my flesh" that will torment me forever. Would that be God's will for me that I accept this ugly body for the rest of my life? Why won't He heal me from being overweight?