You said you like hearing more about me. Here's the honest truth about me these days. I'm totally overwhelmed! I'm on thin ice and going under! Why? Here's all my to do list items: I agreed to too many graphic design projects for my church. I promised to sew a banner for a children's program coming up. I have a jewelry sale coming up on Friday night that I'm still making designs for. My parents are flying in on Thursday to stay with us for 9 days. Now, I am happy to have them come stay with us, but I feel this huge pressure to have my house perfectly clean and the meals all perfect--do you know what I mean? They only come to visit us once a year, so I want them to have a really nice time while they're here. We try to take them on some cool touristy-type things in Wisconsin while they're here too. Last year we went to this crazy collector's house called House on the Rock. This year we're headed for the Mustard Museum. It's just a lot of pressure, you know? I also have a bunch of books I'm supposed to be doing blog tours for, but I'm behind on my reading. I need to mail out the books to the seesaw winners...(sorry I'm behind on this guys)
How do I get myself in these messes? I need to learn to limit myself and be more realistic with my time. Do you ever get in over your head too?
I know it will be okay and I'll survive. The important things will get done and the rest will be enough. It just seems like a lot right now. We all have days like this. It really doesn't help that I'm PMSing so much right now too. Stress and PMS--lovely combination! Aren't you glad you don't live with me right now?! :)