No amount of training could prepare a man for Spring 2011. As Navy Commander John Wells and his crew watch hopelessly from their space station perch, terrorists cripple the nation's capital and security systems. While the world looks to the Middle East for blame, sudden images off the plains of Mars offer a staggering alternative. With a sophisticated alien culture seemingly confirmed on the Red Planet, a disorganized U.S. government struggles to formulate their next steps. Caught in a web of politics, torn by his family commitments, and called to serve not only his country but his God, John Wells must take a giant step for mankind.
More About Austin Boyd at his website:
My Review:
It took me a bit of plodding to get started with this book, maybe because space is not really my thing, but once I got a few chapters into it, I was hooked! It was a suspenseful ride and I couldn't stop reading!
Much of the story revovles around John Wells, an astronaut at work in a space station. Meanwhile, the US is under attack. The book takes you back and forth between Wells in space and the well-planned attacks. The link between the two will remain a mystery for quite some time. John is a man of faith and he learns to rely on God during the time of fear and confusion for him and his family during their separation. The story is also about his wife, Amy, and her struggle to survive the separation from her husband while raising their four children without him. It is also about a determined FBI agent who pursues the complex issues surrounding the US attacks and who seeks out John's expertise even from outer space to try to help him figure it out.
400 plus pages flew by in a brief amount of time as I traveled along with Austin Boyd's characters. I knew the CFBA book tour of the third book was this week and I knew I wanted to read the whole series, but I had no idea how much I would devour the books! I give this book a sunny day review!